Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Landscaping Improvements at the Inn - update

Summer of 2015 has been filled with landscaping projects at the Bridges Inn at Whitcomb House. We began last year with pruning the large maple trees and many of the large shrubs on the perimeter of the property. 

Today, August 13, we added a new bird house -- it's actually an owlhouse! And not exactly considered landscaping, but part of the property improvement project, is a new American flag. It wasn't intentional but the owlhouse and the flag match!


This year, we cleared out the pathways and brought in pine bark mulch on the east side of the house near the gazebo. We planted many new flowers.


August 11, 2015
An abundance of flowering plants are in bloom now, such as black-eyed Susans, many types of lilies, pansies, hydrangeas, roses, phlox, lucifers, and Shasta daisies.

                       Lucifers                                   Shasta daisies
We continued work along the front, Main Street edge of the property. We pulled out overgrown shrubs and plants and planted some dogwoods and small maple trees. We filled in much of the area with pine bark mulch.  Perhaps our biggest accomplishment was to remove the old, uneven granite steps that went to the front of the inn (which no one used). This required work on the old stone wall to make it continuous, closing the opening to Main Street.


Masonry work on the stone wall will be done in the near future. Meanwhile, there's ongoing upkeep, such as mowing the lawn, watering the plants, and weeding. And David takes care of all the upkeep (shown weeding below)! We love the sunflowers that he planted and have sprouted around the yard!


Shown below are flowering plants and bushes from earlier in the season.
        Late spring rhododendrons             Lilacs the last week of May